Client Requirements

To smoothen their trading operations, the client required a platform that was easy to use and could automate some of the tasks.

  • Required a platform that is easy for their customers to use, which enables them to manage their trading activities.

  • Wanted to automate specific tasks to reduce manual efforts and increase efficiency with existing CRM.


We devised solutions that helped them work more efficiently and removed manual processes.

  • API Integration for Fund Management: We automated fund management using MetaTrader 4 API. Customers can securely manage their funds via the CRM portal.

  • Role-Based Rights: Admin privileges were configured to allow the setup of automatic and manual processes for tasks like account approval, deposits, withdrawals, and account upgrades.

  • Verification Process: Admin was empowered to approve or reject uploaded documents for account verification, which would determine account statuses.

  • Multi-Account Transaction: Leveraging the MetaTrader 4 API, we facilitated fund transfers between multiple accounts of a single user.


View their invoices with an option to download them as PDFs

Enhanced User Experience

The custom trading portal enabled the company to offer clients a seamless fund management experience, improving client satisfaction and loyalty.

View their invoices with an option to download them as PDFs

Efficiency Gains

Automation and API integration significantly reduced the manual workload for the company’s staff, streamlining the overall operation cycle.

View their invoices with an option to download them as PDFs

Frictionless Operations

Automated processes and integration of the MetaTrader 4 API contributed to a more efficient and effortless trading process.

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