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All About Salesforce Multi-Factor Authentication

All About Salesforce Multi-Factor Authentication

Do you know the reason users are switching to iOS over Android? UI and UX are great. However, security is the primary reason. We live in the world of digitalization where we share a lot of personal data like contact details, identity proof, and credit and debit card details with different sites. It’s important to protect it from hackers and attackers.

The easiest trick is to use complex passwords and change them often as reused and simple passwords lead to data breaches. Salesforce is not an exception. To safeguard its users from unauthorized account access, they announced the requirement to enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) method in order to access Salesforce products.

What is Salesforce MFA?

Multi Factor Authentication is a process in which users have to authenticate themselves with two or more factors to prove their identity.

What is Salesforce MFA

How MFA Works

The first step consists of the common data that the user knows like username and password. Second factor is the verification method that users have with themselves. It can be an OTP, important dates, or anything else. So, even if the password is compromised, the strong verification method stops the fraudsters from gaining access to your Salesforce data.

This is mandatory from February 1, 2022. That provided, you as admin have to enable it for your organization and customers, if using the Salesforce customer portal.

Types of Verification Methods

  • Salesforce Authenticator Mobile App
  • Third-Party Authentication Apps
  • Security Keys
  • Built-in Authenticators

i. Salesforce Authenticator Mobile App

This is an app that notifies you when someone tries to login to your account just like Amazon and Google does. If you have tried logging into your Gmail or Amazon account from another device, you might have received a push notification about a new sign-in with login details like location, device, user, service, etc. If everything looks ok, you can approve it. Or, you have an option to deny it.

Salesforce Authenticator Mobile App

Authenticator App

The authenticator app works the same way. It provides all the details with approve and deny buttons. So, if anyone else is trying to access your account, well, you can just kick them off with a single tap on the deny button.

ii. Third-Party Authentication Apps

These apps generate temporary one-time passwords and send it on users’ registered phone or email address. While logging in, the user has to add the received code in the specific field.

Third-Party Authentication Apps

Third-Party Authentication

This method generates temporary codes based on the OATH TOTP algorithm. The advantage is that you can choose from a wide variety of apps.

iii. Security Keys

If remembering passwords or accessing OTPs is difficult for you, you can opt for security keys. These are the physical keys that you have to insert in appropriate ports in your computer to complete the verification. Salesforce supports USB, Lightning, and NFC keys.

Security Keys

Physical Key

With this method, you don’t require connectivity. Plus, it’s fast and easy to use.

iv. Built-in Authenticators

This method is connected with users’ devices. They can use built-in authenticators such as fingerprint recognition, face recognition, PIN, and patterns for MFA verification.

Built-in Authenticators

Built-in Authenticator

However, it’s essential for devices, OS, and browsers to support FID02 WebAuthn Standard.

Tip: Select the method that meets your requirements. While the authenticator app provides real-time verification, your users may or may not have a mobile device. Security keys are quick but again, you have to safeguard them. Built-in authentication is a good option as the public key cryptography is unique to the user’s account. In my personal opinion, I would select an authenticator app, since the built-in authentication method is in beta testing.

Why You Should Implement MFA in Salesforce Customer Portal

MFA protects your organization’s data from potential threats. It provides constant vigil on users’ accounts, making it difficult for hackers. Here are 7 key benefits of enabling MFA in your Salesforce customer portal:

  • Extra Security Layer

    While two-factor authentication provides two factors for security, MFA offers multiple factors. You can choose to enable multiple factor authentication with password, TOTP, or authenticator. This ensures multiple layers of security. So, even if one identity is compromised, the next level won’t be accessible. This helps businesses with vast amounts of customer information to safeguard the data and sustains user trust.

  • Prevents Identity Theft

    Even if a hacker knows the username and password, their real-identity will be revealed. Because they won’t have the OTP or push authenticator notification to verify their identity. This is how MFA recognizes if the user is who they pretend to be.

  • SSO Compliant and Remote Access

    Cybercriminals usually try to get into the database while a user is accessing it. MFA with SSO ascertains users’ identity and prevents fraudsters from breaking in. While single sign-on allows users to access databases without signing in, secondary authentication, i.e., MFA ensures that only authorized users get the entry. It blocks the attempts and unidentified users, and goes further into informing the IT department of the company about it. Isn’t that great?!


Salesforce has taken a huge step and in near future, MFA is going to be a must-have for every site. MFA is important for all the businesses having online presence. As it not only keeps attackers away, but also helps build customer loyalty and trust. It saves organizations like yours from file suits, data loss, financial loss, and loss of brand’s integrity. In certain cases, cyber-attacks even lead to businesses collapse. So, it’s better to take precautions than go for a cure later.

MFA is that precaution!

NOTE: We provide MFA integration with our custom Salesforce customer portal. Subsequently, if you’re thinking about including it, feel free to contact us.


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